vineri, 16 decembrie 2011

My biggest "What if... "

 Singurul lucru pe care l-as schimba intr-o secunda, fara sa ma gandesc la nimic altceva.
Maybe it's the only way we can finally stand on our own.You know, to hurt each other so much that we have no choice.

sâmbătă, 26 noiembrie 2011

Insert lies here [...]

"Si, mai presus de orice, e vorba de clipa in care ti se intampla ceva si iti dai seama pentru prima data ca persoana cu care esti nu e perfecta, precum credeai tu. Urasc momentul acela!"

Our two roads will meet the same dead end

Woke up and said "Hey, babe! Look... what a wonderful day!"

Ne-ar sta bine in zapada. Mi-as tine mana in buzunarul tau, iar tu m-ai strange in brate; m-ai pupa pe nas, pe frunte si in coltul gurii si-ai crede ca tremur de frig; dar eu as tremura pentru ca te-as avea pe tine langa mine si as fi fericita.

Am merge acasa si-am bea ciocolata calda, inveliti in patura si patul meu ar mirosi a tine si a visine. Ti-ai pune mana in jurul meu sa ma tragi mai aproape, sa simti cum mi se zbate inima in piept, iar eu n-as mai respira, de frica sa nu sperii visul si sa plece.

luni, 1 august 2011

They say I'm wasting my time cause you're never coming home; but they used to say the world was flat.. and how wrong was that?

"Then you came along. Still in control, I found it easy to mask the fears of abandonment, rejection, and not being good enough from you. How could I let you know I was damaged? That my heart had been so dismantled prior to your repairs or that the butterflies I felt with you, were so unfamiliar to me. What if you knew that my own smile was not recognizable to me in the months before you came into my life. Would you want a damaged heart? No. I would hide my demons from you. To you, I was still worth something. I was beautiful, not fat. Sincere, not a liar. Charming, not annoying. I was happy, a little crazy, and slightly up and down, but I was passionate. Not dramatic. Even the moments in which I would mispronounce something, turned into intimate and memorable moments in which I was adorable. Not stupid. I was everything to you I had always wanted to be to somebody, anybody. To this day I remain amazing in your eyes. "

marți, 28 iunie 2011

And after that you feel like shit. Defeated. Because, wherever he is or whatever he is doing, he is not with you; because probably he is with someone else. And you can be sure of one thing: He doesn't waste his Sunday afternoon walking round your house, you waste your Sunday afternoon walking round his house.

joi, 19 mai 2011

I fancy you

"Some childish mechanism in her brain was trained to believe that he could fix anything. If her car broke down he would rescue her, if she had a bad day at work he would rant with her, if she got into a fight with someone he would take her side. Now she wanted him to tell her this wasn’t real, to make it alright."
                                                                               Beginning at the end